1 /**
2 Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Andrey Penechko.
3 License: $(WEB boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
4 Authors: Andrey Penechko.
5 */
6 /// IR instruction format and metadata
7 module vox.ir.ir_instructions;
9 import std.traits : getUDAs;
10 import std.bitmanip : bitfields;
12 import vox.all;
13 import vox.ir.ir_index;
15 enum IrInstructionSet : ubyte
16 {
17 	ir,
18 	lir_amd64
19 }
20 immutable string[] instr_set_names = ["IR", "LIR Amd64"];
21 static assert(instr_set_names.length == IrInstructionSet.max+1);
23 immutable InstrInfo[][] allInstrInfos = [
24 	irInstrInfos,
25 	amd64InstrInfos
26 ];
28 struct InstrInfo
29 {
30 	this(byte _numArgs, uint _flags = 0, ubyte _numHiddenArgs = 0) {
31 		numArgs = _numArgs;
32 		flags = _flags;
33 		numHiddenArgs = _numHiddenArgs;
34 	}
36 	/// If hasVariadicArgs is set, then determines the minimum required number of arguments
37 	/// Otherwise specifies exact number of arguments
38 	/// Is copied to IrInstrHeader.numArgs
39 	ubyte numArgs;
41 	/// those are allocated after results and arguments
42 	/// Doesn't affect IrInstrHeader.numArgs
43 	/// If contains non IrIndex data, then must be of type IrValueKind.none. (Only lowest 28 bits can be used)
44 	ubyte numHiddenArgs;
46 	/// Set of IrInstrFlags
47 	uint flags;
49 	static assert(IrInstrFlags.max <= uint.max, "Not enough bits for flags");
51 	bool isMov() const { return (flags & IFLG.isMov) != 0; }
52 	bool isJump() const { return (flags & IFLG.isJump) != 0; }
53 	bool isBranch() const { return (flags & IFLG.isBranch) != 0; }
54 	bool isBlockExit() const { return (flags & IFLG.isBlockExit) != 0; }
55 	bool isLoad() const { return (flags & IFLG.isLoad) != 0; }
56 	bool isStore() const { return (flags & IFLG.isStore) != 0; }
57 	bool modifiesMemory() const { return (flags & IFLG.modifiesMemory) != 0; }
58 	bool hasResult() const { return (flags & IFLG.hasResult) != 0; }
59 	bool hasVariadicArgs() const { return (flags & IFLG.hasVariadicArgs) != 0; }
60 	bool hasVariadicResult() const { return (flags & IFLG.hasVariadicResult) != 0; }
61 	bool hasCondition() const { return (flags & IFLG.hasCondition) != 0; }
62 	bool isResultInDst() const { return (flags & IFLG.isResultInDst) != 0; }
63 	bool isCommutative() const { return (flags & IFLG.isCommutative) != 0; }
64 	bool isCall() const { return (flags & IFLG.isCall) != 0; }
65 	bool isGeneric() const { return (flags & IFLG.isGeneric) != 0; }
66 	bool hasSideEffects() const { return (flags & IFLG.hasSideEffects) != 0; }
68 	bool mayHaveResult() { return hasResult || hasVariadicResult; }
69 }
71 InstrInfo[] gatherInstrInfos(alias instrsEnum)()
72 {
73 	InstrInfo[] res = new InstrInfo[__traits(allMembers, instrsEnum).length];
74 	foreach (i, m; __traits(allMembers, instrsEnum))
75 	{
76 		res[i] = __traits(getAttributes, __traits(getMember, instrsEnum, m))[0];
77 	}
78 	return res;
79 }
81 enum IrInstrFlags : uint {
82 	none = 0,
83 	hasResult = 1 << 0,
84 	isMov = 1 << 1,
85 	isBranch = 1 << 2,
86 	isJump = 1 << 3,
87 	isBlockExit = 1 << 4,
88 	isLoad = 1 << 5,
89 	isStore = 1 << 6,
90 	modifiesMemory = 1 << 7,
91 	/// If set, InstrInfo.numArgs defines minimaly required number of args
92 	/// and IrInstrHeader.numArgs is set at runtime
93 	/// IrBuilder automatically allocates nesessary amount of argument slots after the result slot
94 	hasVariadicArgs = 1 << 8,
95 	/// If set IFLG.hasResult flag must not be set
96 	/// and IrInstrHeader.hasResult is set at runtime
97 	hasVariadicResult = 1 << 9,
98 	/// If set IrInstrHeader.cond is used
99 	hasCondition = 1 << 10,
100 	/// If set machine instruction requires a = a op b, or a = op a form
101 	/// while IR instruction has a = b op c, or a = op b form
102 	isResultInDst = 1 << 11,
103 	/// If order of arguments doesn't change the result
104 	isCommutative = 1 << 12,
105 	isCall = 1 << 13,
106 	/// For reg allocator
107 	/// For instructions with single arg no restrictions
108 	/// For binary instructions - only one of two args or one of result or arg may be memory
109 	/// If not set, then no args/results can be memory
110 	/// If only one of non-fixed arguments can be memory operand
111 	singleMemArg = 1 << 14,
112 	/// If all non-fixed arguments can be memory operands
113 	allMemArg = 1 << 15,
114 	/// If set, then opcode of instruction is set from ExtraInstrArgs.opcode
115 	isGeneric = 1 << 16,
116 	/// Not safe to delete or reorder. Instruction is not a candidate for simple user-based instruction DCE
117 	hasSideEffects = 1 << 17,
118 }
120 // shortcut
121 alias IFLG = IrInstrFlags;
123 enum getInstrInfo(alias T) = getUDAs!(T, InstrInfo)[0];
124 enum getIrValueKind(T) = getUDAs!(T, IrValueKind)[0];
126 // InstrInfo array gathered from IrOpcode enum
127 immutable InstrInfo[] irInstrInfos = gatherInstrInfos!IrOpcode;
129 // shortcut
130 private alias _ii = InstrInfo;
132 /// List of machine-independent opcodes
133 enum IrOpcode : ushort
134 {
135 	// used as placeholder inside generic instructions. Must not remain in IR.
136 	@_ii() invalid,
138 	@_ii(0, IFLG.isBlockExit | IFLG.hasSideEffects) jump,
139 	/// Uses IrUnaryCondition inside IrInstrHeader.cond
140 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasCondition | IFLG.isBlockExit | IFLG.hasSideEffects) branch_unary,
141 	/// Uses IrBinaryCondition inside IrInstrHeader.cond
142 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasCondition | IFLG.isBlockExit | IFLG.hasSideEffects) branch_binary,
143 	/// Args:
144 	///   iNN value to be switched on
145 	///   _k_ >= 0 integer constants (no duplicated constants allowed)
146 	/// Basic block successors are in the following order
147 	///   default basic block
148 	///   0 or more case blocks
149 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasVariadicArgs | IFLG.isBlockExit | IFLG.hasSideEffects) branch_switch,
150 	@_ii(0, IFLG.isBlockExit | IFLG.hasSideEffects) ret,
151 	/// Only for ABI handling
152 	@_ii(1, IFLG.isBlockExit | IFLG.hasSideEffects) ret_val,
153 	@_ii(0, IFLG.isBlockExit | IFLG.hasSideEffects) unreachable,
155 	/// Emitted by frontend and replaced in lowering pass
156 	/// Extra argument represents parameter index and stored as plain uint of type IrValueKind.none.
157 	@_ii(0, IFLG.hasResult | IFLG.hasSideEffects, 1) parameter,
158 	// first argument is function or function pointer
159 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasVariadicArgs | IFLG.hasVariadicResult | IFLG.hasSideEffects) call,
160 	// first argument is syscall number
161 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasVariadicArgs | IFLG.hasVariadicResult | IFLG.hasSideEffects) syscall,
162 	// Special instruction used during inlining. Should not occur in other places.
163 	@_ii(0) inline_marker,
165 	/// Args: iNN a, iNN b
166 	/// Returns boolean result of binary comparison: a cond b
167 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult | IFLG.hasCondition) set_binary_cond,
168 	/// Args: iNN a
169 	/// Returns boolean result of unary comparison: cond a
170 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult | IFLG.hasCondition) set_unary_cond,
172 	/// Only for ABI handling
173 	/// Args: T
174 	/// Returns: T
175 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) move,
176 	/// Lowered into load+store sequence
177 	/// Args: T* dst, T* src
178 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasSideEffects) copy,
179 	/// Only for ABI handling
180 	/// Args: int that is added to stack pointer
181 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasSideEffects) shrink_stack,
182 	/// Only for ABI handling
183 	/// Args: int that is substracted from stack pointer
184 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasSideEffects) grow_stack,
185 	/// Only for ABI handling
186 	/// Args: iNN
187 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasSideEffects) push,
189 	/// Args: T*, T
190 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasSideEffects) store,
191 	/// Args: T*
192 	/// Returns: T
193 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) load,
194 	/// Args: aggregate pointer
195 	/// Returns: member pointer
196 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) load_aggregate, // TODO: remove. Use load instead
197 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasVariadicArgs | IFLG.hasResult) get_element_ptr,
198 	/// Args: aggregate pointer, 1 or more index
199 	/// Returns: member pointer
200 	/// Same as get_element_ptr, but first index is hardcoded to be 0.
201 	/// 0 indixies do not make sense, because then instuction is no op and can replaced with first arg
202 	/// Indices are compatible with ones from get_element and insert_element
203 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasVariadicArgs | IFLG.hasResult) get_element_ptr_0,
204 	/// Args: aggregate members
205 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasVariadicArgs | IFLG.hasResult) create_aggregate,
206 	/// Args: aggregate, byte offset
207 	/// Returns: member of aggregate at given offset
208 	/// For now offset must be a constant
209 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasVariadicArgs | IFLG.hasResult) get_element,
210 	/// Gets a register sized slice of aggregate
211 	/// Args: aggregate, 1 index of 8byte chunk
212 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) get_aggregate_slice,
213 	/// Args: aggregate, byte offset, new element value
214 	/// Returns: aggregate with replaced element
215 	/// Restriction: original aggregate's member that is being replaced here, must not
216 	/// be read from in postdominating instructions. But it can be read on other control flow paths.
217 	/// In other words, after this instruction got executed, original aggregate can not be read. All reads
218 	/// must go through result of this instruction.
219 	@_ii(3, IFLG.hasVariadicArgs | IFLG.hasResult) insert_element,
221 	/// One's complement negation
222 	/// Args: iNN a
223 	/// Returns ~a
224 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) not,
225 	/// Two's complement negation
226 	/// Args: iNN a
227 	/// Returns -a
228 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) neg,
229 	/// Float negation
230 	/// Args: fNN a
231 	/// Returns -a
232 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) fneg,
234 	/// Args: source value, target size is represented with argSize field
235 	/// Currently is used as bitcast. Need clearer semantics
236 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) conv,
237 	/// Args: iNN a, argSize sets MM. MM must be > NN
238 	/// Returns iMM
239 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) zext,
240 	/// Args: iNN a, argSize sets MM. MM must be > NN
241 	/// Returns iMM
242 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) sext,
243 	/// Args: iNN a, argSize sets MM. MM must be < NN
244 	/// Returns iMM
245 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) trunc,
247 	/// Args: fNN a, argSize sets MM. MM must be < NN
248 	/// Returns fMM
249 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) fptrunc,
250 	/// Args: fNN a, argSize sets MM. MM must be > NN
251 	/// Returns fMM
252 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) fpext,
253 	/// Args: fNN a, argSize sets MM
254 	/// Returns iMM
255 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) fptoui,
256 	/// Args: fNN a, argSize sets MM
257 	/// Returns iMM
258 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) fptosi,
259 	/// Args: iNN a, argSize sets MM
260 	/// Returns fMM
261 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) uitofp,
262 	/// Args: iNN a, argSize sets MM
263 	/// Returns fMM
264 	@_ii(1, IFLG.hasResult) sitofp,
266 	/// Used when generating any of binary instructions.
267 	/// Actual opcode is passed via ExtraInstrArgs.opcode
268 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult | IFLG.isGeneric) generic_binary,
269 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) add,
270 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) sub,
271 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) and,
272 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) or,
273 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) xor,
275 	/// Unsigned multiply
276 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) umul,
277 	/// Signed multiply
278 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) smul,
279 	/// Unsigned division
280 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) udiv,
281 	/// Signed division
282 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) sdiv,
283 	/// Unsigned remainder
284 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) urem,
285 	/// Signed remainder
286 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) srem,
288 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) shl,
289 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) lshr,
290 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) ashr,
292 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) fadd,
293 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) fsub,
294 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) fmul,
295 	@_ii(2, IFLG.hasResult) fdiv,
297 	@_ii(0) noop,
298 }
300 enum IrArgSize : ubyte {
301 	size8,
302 	size16,
303 	size32,
304 	size64,
305 	size128,
306 	size256,
307 	size512,
308 }
310 IrArgSize sizeToIrArgSize(uint typeSize, CompilationContext* context) {
311 	switch (typeSize) {
312 		case 1: return IrArgSize.size8;
313 		case 2: return IrArgSize.size16;
314 		case 4: return IrArgSize.size32;
315 		case 8: return IrArgSize.size64;
316 		case 16: return IrArgSize.size128;
317 		case 32: return IrArgSize.size256;
318 		case 64: return IrArgSize.size512;
319 		default:
320 			context.internal_error("Type of size %s cannot be stored in a register", typeSize);
321 	}
322 }
324 IrIndex sizeToIntType(uint typeSize, CompilationContext* context) {
325 	switch (typeSize) {
326 		case 1: return makeIrType(IrBasicType.i8);
327 		case 2: return makeIrType(IrBasicType.i16);
328 		case 4: return makeIrType(IrBasicType.i32);
329 		case 8: return makeIrType(IrBasicType.i64);
330 		default: context.internal_error("Unhandled size %s", typeSize);
331 	}
332 }
334 IrArgSize typeToIrArgSize(IrIndex type, CompilationContext* context) {
335 	uint typeSize = context.types.typeSize(type);
336 	return sizeToIrArgSize(typeSize, context);
337 }
339 /// Common prefix of all IR instruction structs
340 @(IrValueKind.instruction)
341 struct IrInstrHeader
342 {
343 	ushort op;
344 	ubyte numArgs;
346 	enum MAX_ARGS = 255;
348 	union {
349 		mixin(bitfields!(
350 			// Always used
351 			bool,       "hasResult", 1,
352 			// Only used when IrInstrFlags.hasCondition is set
353 			ubyte,      "cond",      4,
354 			// Not always possible to infer arg size from arguments (like in store ptr, imm)
355 			IrArgSize,  "argSize",   3,
356 		));
358 		// for calls
359 		mixin(bitfields!(
360 			uint, "",                       1, // hasResult
361 			// marks instruction that has non-mov instruction between argument movs and itself
362 			bool, "extendFixedArgRange",    1,
363 			// marks instruction that has non-mov instruction between result movs and itself
364 			bool, "extendFixedResultRange", 1,
365 			// Used on call instruction
366 			bool, "alwaysInline",           1,
367 			uint, "",                       4,
368 		));
370 		// for loads
371 		mixin(bitfields!(
372 			uint, "",                       1, // hasResult
373 			// Only used for loads to mark source pointer as uniqely owned by load
374 			bool, "isUniqueLoad",           1,
375 			uint, "",                       6,
376 		));
377 	}
379 	static assert(IrBinaryCondition.max <= 0b1111, "4 bits are reserved");
380 	static assert(IrUnaryCondition.max <= 0b1111, "4 bits are reserved");
382 	// points to first argument (result is immediately before first arg)
383 	uint _payloadOffset;
385 	// points to basic block if first instruction of basic block
386 	IrIndex prevInstr(IrFunction* ir, IrIndex instrIndex) {
387 		return ir.instrPrevPtr[instrIndex.storageUintIndex];
388 	}
389 	// points to basic block if last instruction of basic block
390 	IrIndex nextInstr(IrFunction* ir, IrIndex instrIndex) {
391 		return ir.instrNextPtr[instrIndex.storageUintIndex];
392 	}
394 	ref IrIndex result(IrFunction* ir) {
395 		assert(hasResult, "No result");
396 		return ir.instrPayloadPtr[_payloadOffset-1];
397 	}
399 	// returns result or undefined
400 	IrIndex tryGetResult(IrFunction* ir) {
401 		if (hasResult) return ir.instrPayloadPtr[_payloadOffset-1];
402 		return IrIndex();
403 	}
405 	IrIndex[] args(IrFunction* ir) {
406 		return ir.instrPayloadPtr[_payloadOffset.._payloadOffset + numArgs];
407 	}
409 	ref IrIndex arg(IrFunction* ir, uint index) {
410 		assert(index < numArgs, "arg index out of bounds");
411 		return ir.instrPayloadPtr[_payloadOffset + index];
412 	}
414 	IrIndex[] extraPayload(IrFunction* ir, uint numSlots) {
415 		uint start = _payloadOffset + numArgs;
416 		return ir.instrPayloadPtr[start..start+numSlots];
417 	}
418 }
421 enum IrBinaryCondition : ubyte {
422 	eq,
423 	ne,
425 	ugt,
426 	uge,
427 	ult,
428 	ule,
430 	sgt,
431 	sge,
432 	slt,
433 	sle,
435 	fgt,
436 	fge,
437 	flt,
438 	fle,
439 }
441 string[] binaryCondStrings = cast(string[IrBinaryCondition.max+1])["==", "!=", "u>", "u>=", "u<", "u<=", "s>", "s>=", "s<", "s<=", "f>", "f>=", "f<", "f<="];
442 string[] binaryCondStringsEscapedForDot = cast(string[IrBinaryCondition.max+1])[`==`, `!=`, `u\>`, `u\>=`, `u\<`, `u\<=`, `s\>`, `s\>=`, `s\<`, `s\<=`, `f\>`, `f\>=`, `f\<`, `f\<=`];
444 bool evalBinCondition(ref CompilationContext context, IrBinaryCondition cond, IrIndex conLeft, IrIndex conRight)
445 {
446 	IrConstant left = context.constants.get(conLeft);
447 	IrConstant right = context.constants.get(conRight);
448 	final switch(cond) with(IrBinaryCondition)
449 	{
450 		case eq: return left.i64 == right.i64;
451 		case ne: return left.i64 != right.i64;
453 		case ugt: return left.u64 >  right.u64;
454 		case uge: return left.u64 >= right.u64;
455 		case ult: return left.u64 <  right.u64;
456 		case ule: return left.u64 <= right.u64;
458 		case sgt: return left.i64 >  right.i64;
459 		case sge: return left.i64 >= right.i64;
460 		case slt: return left.i64 <  right.i64;
461 		case sle: return left.i64 <= right.i64;
463 		case fgt: if (left.type == makeIrType(IrBasicType.f64)) return left.f64 >  right.f64; return left.f32 >  right.f32;
464 		case fge: if (left.type == makeIrType(IrBasicType.f64)) return left.f64 >= right.f64; return left.f32 >= right.f32;
465 		case flt: if (left.type == makeIrType(IrBasicType.f64)) return left.f64 <  right.f64; return left.f32 <  right.f32;
466 		case fle: if (left.type == makeIrType(IrBasicType.f64)) return left.f64 <= right.f64; return left.f32 <= right.f32;
467 	}
468 }
470 IrBinaryCondition invertBinaryCond(IrBinaryCondition cond)
471 {
472 	final switch(cond) with(IrBinaryCondition)
473 	{
474 		case eq: return ne;
475 		case ne: return eq;
477 		case ugt: return ule;
478 		case uge: return ult;
479 		case ult: return uge;
480 		case ule: return ugt;
482 		case sgt: return sle;
483 		case sge: return slt;
484 		case slt: return sge;
485 		case sle: return sgt;
487 		case fgt: return fle;
488 		case fge: return flt;
489 		case flt: return fge;
490 		case fle: return fgt;
491 	}
492 }
494 enum IrUnaryCondition : ubyte {
495 	zero,
496 	not_zero
497 }
498 string[] unaryCondStrings = cast(string[IrUnaryCondition.max+1])[" not", ""];
500 IrUnaryCondition invertUnaryCond(IrUnaryCondition cond)
501 {
502 	final switch(cond) with(IrUnaryCondition)
503 	{
504 		case zero: return not_zero;
505 		case not_zero: return zero;
506 	}
507 }
509 @(IrValueKind.instruction)
510 struct IrInstr_parameter
511 {
512 	IrInstrHeader header;
513 	ref uint index(IrFunction* ir) {
514 		return header.extraPayload(ir, 1)[0].asUint;
515 	}
516 }