1 /// Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Andrey Penechko.
2 /// License: $(WEB boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
3 /// Authors: Andrey Penechko.
4 module vox.utils.arrayarena;
6 struct FreeList
7 {
8 	import vox.utils : writef, writefln;
9 	void* head;
10 	ubyte[] get(size_t size) {
11 		if (head) {
12 			void** linkPtr = cast(void**)head;
13 			head = linkPtr[0];
14 			return (cast(ubyte*)linkPtr)[0..size];
15 		}
16 		return null;
17 	}
18 	void put(ubyte[] block) {
19 		void** linkPtr = cast(void**)block.ptr;
20 		linkPtr[0] = head;
21 		head = cast(void*)block.ptr;
22 	}
23 }
25 //version = USE_MIMALLOC;
27 version(USE_MIMALLOC) {
28 	extern(C) void* mi_malloc(size_t size);
29 	extern(C) void mi_free(void* p);
30 }
32 struct ArrayArena
33 {
34 	import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
35 	import vox.utils : max, nextPOT, Arena, bsr, isPowerOfTwo, PAGE_SIZE, writefln, format;
37 	// arenas for buffers from 16 to 65536 bytes
38 	enum NUM_ARENAS = 13;
39 	enum MIN_BLOCK_BYTES = 16;
40 	enum MAX_BLOCK_BYTES = 65_536;
42 	private Arena!ubyte[NUM_ARENAS] arenas;
43 	private size_t[NUM_ARENAS] arenaLengths;
44 	private FreeList[NUM_ARENAS] freeLists;
46 	void setBuffers(ubyte[] smallBuffers, ubyte[] pageBuffer) {
47 		size_t sizePerArena = smallBuffers.length / NUM_ARENAS;
48 		foreach(i, ref arena; arenas[0..$-1])
49 			arena.setBuffer(smallBuffers[i*sizePerArena..(i+1)*sizePerArena], 0);
50 		arenas[$-1].setBuffer(pageBuffer, 0); // separate buffer for big pages
51 	}
53 	size_t byteLength() {
54 		size_t total;
55 		foreach(ref arena; arenas) total += arena.byteLength;
56 		return total;
57 	}
59 	size_t reservedBytes() {
60 		size_t total;
61 		foreach(ref arena; arenas) total += arena.reservedBytes;
62 		return total;
63 	}
64 	size_t committedBytes() {
65 		size_t total;
66 		foreach(ref arena; arenas) total += arena.committedBytes;
67 		return total;
68 	}
70 	T[] allocArray(T)(size_t length) {
71 		size_t blockSize = max(nextPOT(length * T.sizeof), MIN_BLOCK_BYTES);
72 		ubyte[] newBlock = allocBlock(blockSize);
73 		return (cast(T*)newBlock.ptr)[0..length];
74 	}
76 	void freeArray(T)(ref T[] array) {
77 		size_t blockSize = max(nextPOT(array.length * T.sizeof), MIN_BLOCK_BYTES);
78 		ubyte* ptr = cast(ubyte*)array.ptr;
79 		freeBlock(ptr[0..blockSize]);
80 		array = null;
81 	}
83 	version(USE_MIMALLOC)
84 	{
85 		ubyte[] allocBlock(size_t size) {
86 			assert(isPowerOfTwo(size));
87 			return (cast(ubyte*)mi_malloc(size))[0..size];
88 		}
90 		void freeBlock(ubyte[] block) {
91 			if (block.ptr is null) return;
92 			return mi_free(block.ptr);
93 		}
94 	}
95 	else
96 	{
97 		ubyte[] allocBlock(size_t size) {
98 			assert(isPowerOfTwo(size));
99 			assert(size >= MIN_BLOCK_BYTES);
100 			if (size > MAX_BLOCK_BYTES) {
101 				return (cast(ubyte*)malloc(size))[0..size];
102 			}
103 			uint index = sizeToIndex(size);
104 			ubyte[] block = freeLists[index].get(size);
105 			if (block) {
106 				assert(arenas[index].contains(block.ptr), format("allocBlock %s, freeList get %X, %s", size, block.ptr, block.length));
107 				return block;
108 			}
109 			++arenaLengths[index];
110 			ubyte[] result = arenas[index].voidPut(size);
111 			return result;
112 		}
114 		void freeBlock(ubyte[] block) {
115 			if (block.ptr is null) return;
116 			assert(isPowerOfTwo(block.length));
117 			assert(block.length >= MIN_BLOCK_BYTES);
118 			if (block.length > MAX_BLOCK_BYTES) {
119 				return free(block.ptr);
120 			}
121 			uint index = sizeToIndex(block.length);
122 			freeLists[index].put(block);
123 		}
124 	}
126 	void clear() {
127 		foreach(ref arena; arenas) arena.clear;
128 		freeLists[] = FreeList.init;
129 		arenaLengths[] = 0;
130 	}
132 	private uint sizeToIndex(size_t size) {
133 		// from 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536
134 		//   to  0  1  2   3   4   5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12
135 		uint index = bsr(size) - 4;
136 		return index;
137 	}
138 }