- add
IrIndex add(float value)
- add
IrIndex add(double value)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- add
IrIndex add(IrIndex type, long value)
- addAggrecateConstant
IrIndex addAggrecateConstant(IrIndex type, uint numMembers)
Creates aggrecate constant without initializing members
- addAggrecateConstant
IrIndex addAggrecateConstant(IrIndex type, IrIndex[] members)
- get
IrConstant get(IrIndex index)
- getAggregate
IrAggregateConstant getAggregate(IrIndex index)
- getAggregateMember
IrIndex getAggregateMember(IrIndex aggrValue, IrIndex memberIndex, CompilationContext* c)
memberIndex must be an integer constant